Tuesday, 15 January 2019

It's Not The End of the World. Honest.

Okay, I made it to Day Five back at work without making a mistake... here is a stream of consciousness I wrote at the time.  I thought it would be interesting to keep a note of it.

This is a good opportunity to take a step back and think about the approaches the CBT has been teaching you.  Don't panic.  Just because you emailed the mistake straight to the Department Manager before you realised, does not mean the world is coming to an end.  You could burst into tears, storm out of the room and lock yourself in the toilets because you are useless.  You could sit here and stew and give yourself another headache.  Or you could be proactive and try to fix the problem to show your boss you aren't a total waste of space and use this as a lesson.

It's not a huge problem - it only seems that way because you are putting so much pressure on yourself to be perfect.  Was it a silly mistake?  Yes.  Was it easily avoidable?  Yes.  Will anyone die?  No.

*Context* I requested a meeting room.  The booking people booked a different meeting room that was too small.  I didn't check, so didn't realise this meeting room would be too small until I got an email back from the dept manager...

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