I am one step closer to my BA in English Language & Literature. I scored 5 B's and 2 C's but the final result won't be ready until at least July. So I wait...
This year has been a tough one. Learning how to learn again; how to study; how to focus myself; and how to do all that on my own. Distance learning is a challenge. Having to motivate myself with no one around me to share any of the struggle. Yes, there are the online forums but they can only be supportive to a point. I have to admit I am a bit useless. I leave everything to the last minute then cram. This last assignment was submitted three hours before deadline! It is the way I do things, in study and in life.
I long to attend a university full-time. To be immersed in that life, but for now, it is just me at my desk in my living room, surrounded by books and photographs of people who inspire me. Most significantly my college literature teacher, Jon who has been an immeasurable motivator, whether he is in the room or in my mind. His mantra "Language, form and structure!" echoes around my head in everything I write. I wish he was standing here now.
I feel a bit lost. With no studying until October, what do I do with my time?! I might finally get some reading done. Since starting my course in October I have not managed to read anything but a textbook or assigned reading material. Looking at my bookshelf there is a lot of catching up to do! Where do I start?