Anger isn’t something I have a problem with. I mean I don’t get outwardly angry. I can
recall only two episodes in my life where I have expressed significant anger. I feel frustrated,
but I don’t express anger, according
to this session’s little book, is a good thing.
I tend to cry, which people interpret as sad or upset, which makes me
more frustrated!
I only made it half way through the session last night,
because I had what I assume was a partial seizure. It felt like static electricity zapping my
brain and I lost the ability to communicate for a few minutes. I could tell that one of the facilitators
noticed something wasn’t right, but as she had a room full of people, she didn’t
say anything. During the break I told
them I needed to go home and Mum picked me up.
I’m still not feeling 100%, but I haven’t told my boss.
I would have been six months seizure free next week. But it was so minor, I didn’t even burst into
tears afterwards... I feel like bursting into tears now. It’s my birthday today K